Friday, July 16, 2010


I get panicky whenever someone comes to visit because I can't see the dirt, dust, or dog hair anymore. It is hard to remember to wipe all surfaces when you don't have the visual clues. I'm especially guilty of forgetting to vacuum until the movement of dust bunnies "tumble weeds" rolling by catch my attention (my ability to see movement is still pretty good). You'd think because I have the perfect excuse for not cleaning well that I could relax, but it bothers me more than ever. I really should hire a house keeper. The one good thing about not seeing dust is that it makes me a great guest!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Everyday life since my vision loss

So just the usual hazards of not seeing well today- I gathered up all the things I needed for my latte, but when it arrived I couldn't find the paper sleeve and had to ask the people in line behind me if I'd dropped it. A woman three people back pointed out that it was on the yogurt container in my hand - oh yeah, now I remember doing that.
It would be so nice to just go in Starbucks like I used to and get a latte without struggling to find the sugar, lids, sleeves. Or to remember where I put the sleeve...

I also tripped over the dog twice today. She used to be faster.